大J 的大學選校,已做最後決定,隨著他的未定、等待、決定、改變、確定、搖動
將時間調回到去年,大J 展開學校申請,我為他做的一連串記錄,以作為日後的回憶:
9/26/11: Marine Physical fitness test (第一次 Marine 的體能測驗,之後每星
期二、四到 recruiting center train,至今七個月了,從未間斷)
9/27/11: sent application to the congressman and senator’s office
10/8/11: IHHS fitness test for Naval Academy
10/10/11: Physical checkup ( to Younker, NY)
10/15/11: 大J跟爸爸参加在 Newark 舉行的另一塲說明會
10/17/11: 要檢查視力,鑑於規定,檢查前,矯正隱形眼鏡必須拿下來 90
天才可做視力檢查,於是緊急配一副眼鏡 ,大J展開為期兩個月的戴眼鏡生涯!
10/18/11: pick up 8 colleges and tried to submit the early action applications
10/22/11: Physical fitness test again, got 250 scores
10/22/11: sent 4 applications ( GT, MI, MIT, Rutgers ),也申請了海軍
官。 原本海軍官校沒有在考慮以及求學規劃之列,感覺是遙不可及的一所
學校,但 why not ? 試試看,給自己一個機會!我這樣告訴大J。
10/26/11: was interviewed by MIT alumni at Ridgewood (2 hours )
11/03/11 : Physical fitness test again
11/04/11: He was interviewed by Naval Academy alumni at our house
11/6/11: was interviewed by two senators
11/9/11: was accepted by Rutgers
11/30/11: was interviewed by congressman
12/16/11: was accepted by Georgia Tech and Univ of Michigan
12/16/11: MIT defer
12/17/11: Eyes exam (之後,又可以開始帶矯正隱形眼鏡了)
12/20/11: He was not accepted by NROTC early board. Will try again.
12/23/11: Received the assurance letter from Naval Academy
01/10/12: Physical fitness test (final time) (大J,媽媽佩服你的毅力,你真
01/16/12: Received phone call from senator’s office. The nomination will be sent out next week.
01/23/12: 大 J called the representative office and they said they had sent
out the letter and got confirmation by Naval Academy. Half an hour later,
he received the phone call from Naval Academy to confirm he got the appointment.
2/8/12: the package from Naval Academy was received
2/20/12: to visit Naval Academy
2/21/12: was accepted by Univ. of IL
3/1/12: 我要大J 趕緊把 Naval Academy確定入學信寄出,他說要等 Marine
的 NROTC scholarship 出來再做決定,於是,做媽媽的開始緊張,緊張大
3/22/12: 12:17 pm. James sent me a text: I got the NROTC scholarship. The
marine came to my school to tell me half an hour ago. 我寫簡訊回去:
Congratulation. I am proud of you.
一則以喜,大J的能力被肯定;一則以憂,大J 最後的決定會是什麼? 再
寫個簡訊: We will discuss this weekend.
…… 續