
首先 --


讓我們穿過時光遂道, 回到 --- 爸比頑皮的, 毋憂的, 煞米攏毋驚的多彩多姿童年 ----  很豐盛 很有趣喔 !!!   (:>)

以下是駐新澤西州小小記者李道恩(11 )的越洋採訪通話及 e-mail 記錄,



(以下片斷節錄自James Grandpa, General Lee’s biography  之精華 )


Han Chung Lee was born on June 19, 1935.……         

He was married to Su-Huei Lee and had 2 daughters. 

….. His family branches out when his daughters got married ……..  


  •  What were your childhood interests stories ?



The past is like a movie, as I recall each scene, there are many interesting things, it’s impossible to describe all of them. However, some of them were:

 1 ) 1950 年代,公園內, 校園裏,住宅區域, 翠綠一片,樹林高聳入雲,群鳥枝叉間跳躍歡唱。頑皮的我們喜歡邀二三個玩伴,舒著彈弓追逐樹上落單的孤鳥, 跑,停,瞄,發射, 然後是一陣歡笑。誰在乎結果,高興就好。

 During the 1950s, thick, tall, and green woods filled with lively singing birds were everywhere in parks, school yards, and even residential areas. Being mischievous as we were, we would invite 2 or 3 playmates along, chase around and shoot at singled-birds, and then burst out laughing


2) 空氣污,大地污染..… 環保問題,沒聽過呢 !那時,河水溪流清澈見底, 有位同學, 家住溪旁,三不五時約我們去他家玩,其實是 ,管它有沒有人偷看,拔光衣服往溪水中 就跳下去,真 的,內褲都沒穿呢。與魚兒共舞,到筋疲力盡,累倒為止。

Air pollution, land pollution, and environmental protection were unheard of!

The lakes and streams were crystal clear. I had a friend who lived next to the streams who often invited me over to play in the water. We did not care if there were other people watching, and would take off our dry clothes, jump in, and swim with the little fish until we’re exhausted.

3) 一年一次或兩次,阿公跟著大人,確實是誰? 已模糊了,除了曾祖母,不然就是舅曾祖公。趣事似畫,如昨日呢 !

去收 田租 ,鄉下交通不便,必會過夜,佃農都是老實人,純樸,善良。晚上一定會叫大一點的男生帶著仍是小鬼我們去玩,於是每一個人腰上攜上窄口藍子(竹子編的) 手持 電光石,不是手電筒,是煤油燈似的,但是用土石(一種原料,遇水發亮) 代煤油或汽油, 管它是什麼,緊跟著人家屁股尋夢去。

Once or twice a year, I would got with adults (don’t remember clearly who, most likely with your great-grandma, or great-grandpa, but the fun times seems like yesterday) to collect farm rent. Commuting in the country side was inconvenient, so we would have to sleep over in the area. The farmers were all simple and kind people.

At night, the older boys would take us “little kids” out to play. So , to chase our dreams, each of us tied a small bamboo basket around our waist, and followed the older boys closely with old-fashioned flash lights in our hands 

屋外就是一片又一片的田畦,漆黑中遠遠的到處可見星星般的燈火,緩慢移動,萬籟俱靜,除了水蛙的呼喚聲此起彼落,聲音一點都不美。 電光石循著田埂照射,那些活蹦亂跳,鬼叫鬼叫的田蛙,見光立即不動不唱了。原來我們是去收集勝利品肥美大田蛙,一隻隻選巨壯的往窄口藍放,才個把小時的功夫,小脚滿泥巴,什麼都毋驚,滿載而歸,帶著甜蜜,興奮歡樂,很快又跌入另一個很美,很美的夢鄉。                                      


 Outside the house, there were fields and fields of lighting bug. In the dark, lights like the stars can be seen moving slowly and quietly everywhere, the only noise around was the croaking of the frogs. When we flashed the fields with our lights, all the little frogs, seeing the light, would freeze and become silent.

 Our mission was to collect our prizes – large field frogs – and put them into our baskets. Within a couple of hours, with feet covered in mud, and fear far away, we return with our hands and baskets filled, hearts full of glee, and quickly fall into another type of beautiful dream…sleep.

  • Did you have any pets ? If so, what was it and what was its name ?

      阿公喜歡狗狗, 狐狸狗, 北京狗都養過,  

狐狸狗叫 Lillie 北京狗叫 Louis                      

  •  What was your education like ?

 小學先在台南,後轉往屏東, 兒時好友都是屏小啊

 中學,阿公獨自遠征台中一中就讀,住宿 (學生宿舍),訓練自己,自立自律,離鄉背井,陌生的地方,小小的心靈只想早早長大,讀書報國似乎沒什麼抱負。

在老家,曾大舅祖公常掛嘴上的一句話– “男讀中一中, 女上長女中” -- 印象深刻,或許如此吧! 阿公天不怕,地不怕,買了火車票就北上。曾大舅祖公,日據時代官拜國小校長,台灣光復後,任屏東教育部督學。

高中畢業後,進入新制陸軍官校 (遵循美國西點軍校制度,內含讀四年,獲理學士學位),畢業立即保送美國陸軍航空飛行學校學習飛行






 After graduating from high school, I joined the army and attended an American military school located in Alabama for four years. I returned to Taiwan to become a formal flight officer, serving the army air force division (including the Institute of Army Control and Strategy, as well as the University of Triple National Defense Services ) at length. 


  •  Your special talents you had in your childhood and now.   

          阿公很好動,當然也能安靜下來,不然怎麼飛啊 ?對不?


1)      陸軍200 公尺武裝游泳

2)      陸軍 200 公尺蛙式游泳  (學生组)

3)      三軍200 公尺蛙式游泳 


  Swimming : I loved swimming since I was a child. I entered many competitions and even won awards.

                1)  Army 200 Meter Military Swim – 1st place

                2) Army 200 Meter Breast Stroke Swim – 1st place student group

                3) Triple Service 200 Meter Breast Stroke Swim – 3rd place student group




              1) 陸軍拳擊比賽輕量級第一名 (學生組)

      2) 大專院校拳擊比賽輕量級第一名

         (當時師大體育系名將如雲, 卻敗在阿公拳下, 哈哈哈!)

4)      大專南北對抗賽輕量級第一名



        1 )Army Boxing Lightweight Championship – 1st place (student group)

       2) Technical College Boxing Lightweight championship – 1st place (student group)

       3) Technical College North versus South Lightweight Competition – 1st place (student group)



當然 也算是,還有 阿公沒正式學聲樂,有點五音不全,卻喜歡展歌喉,見笑 (台音)

 flying in the skies and singing : Grandpa never had singing lessons, and is probably tone-deaf. But still, I like to sing.






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