~ What have you achieved in your life ?
Flying in the skies was my childhood dream which came true, and became my career and duty.
a. 飛行軍官 Flight Officer
b 飛行中隊長, 大隊長 Junior flight captain ,Senior Flight Captain
c 航空指揮部參謀長, 副指揮官
Aviation Headquarters Chief of Staff Assistant Commander
e. 陸軍重裝師少將副師長 Army Department of Restructure Deputy General/Assistant
g. 國立成功大學軍事部少將總教官 National Chenggong University bureau of military affairs
deputy general/chief drillmaster
- 阿 公,您 開 過 什 麼 飛 機 ?
….. During his years in the army, Han Chung flew helicopters and fixed wings airplanes.
Some of these helicopters were Cobras AH1H, UH-47s, UH1Hs, and many others.
Besides helicopters, Han Chung flew fixed wings airplanes - L 20s, L21s, and L23s.
- Where have you traveled in your life ?
阿公小時後住在日本(曾祖父早期在日本求學, 學業結束,返台,結婚再去日本經商)
美國嘛?! Guam Island,Wake Island 算美國屬地,
美國本土就多了,阿拉斯加州,夏威夷州,加州 (舊金山,落杉磯,聖地牙哥)
德州 San A ntonio (那兒是美國空軍外語學院所在地,任何盟國軍官要學飛習行,一定先進入該校接受飛行有關的氣象,機械,動力,結構,航管 …. 等學科,整個學程四個月),密西西比,New Orleans, A labama 州 的Ozark (是飛行學校的校址) , Dothan , Washington DC 費城 ….. 等 等。
如阿公健康許可,想去中國,歐洲走走,當然,最高興去的地方是 :
Franklin Lakes, NJ , US A ( 編按 : 小女兒住處 )
- Fun Stories of your childhood life
Taiwan rivers are short and narrow. The wider river beds are higher, and have river banks built on two sides to prevent flooding disasters during the rainy season.
天一晴,是我們的天堂,這羣小鬼又要野去了。在河川中追逐,尋尋覓覓最窄的,水量最少的地方 (頂好靠提防),於是我們分頭撤石頭,挖河砂,以口大尾小成漏斗狀的竹編抓魚工具,堵在水中,固定妥,讓水從口入尾出,(尾部是收口的, 魚出不來)
During the rainy season, the rapid water that flows down from the upper beds contained mud, which made the water cloudy. Once the water settles down in the lower bed, it becomes much clearer. Underneath the long and slender flow of water, we found the narrowest section, nearest to the banks, and made a fish catching tool by repositioning the rocks and our bamboo baskets. The water would flow out the back end of the basket, but the fish would stay.
一切安置好, 我們這群烏合之眾鳥獸散,四面八方瘋去了;溪中尋寶,河堤上狂奔,蘆葦叢裏躲迷藏,無際的草坪中找鳥蛋…….反正一位較大的頭頭,時間一到,會到處鬼叫,放信號,大伙兒又從遊戲的熱頭中甦醒,跑回來看戰果。
Then, all of us kids, would run away in every direction to play in the river stream, to run around the river banks, and play hide and seek. There was always a bigger kid who would lead and shout to us when we should come out from playing and check out the fruit of our work.
大家同心協力把大的 “漏斗” 抬出來,剛它離水面時,大夥歡樂聲齊鳴,能衝雲霄呢!
Everyone worked together to bring up the large bamboo funnel and put it on the shore, while cheering and jumping loudly.
看!! 尾部收口處,銀白小魚跳躍,陽光下,鱗光四射,可是美麗!
The tail of the funnel was filled with cute and beautiful little fish, flipping around.
Us kids welcomed the remaining rays of the setting sun, hearts filled with overflowing joy, each of us returning to our home sweet home…by that time, all the houses had began turning on the lights.
- How your childhood is different from our childhood ?
During Grandpa’s times, we only worried about whether there will be food or not, whether we would be rich or poor. We did not have worries of security, did not have to worry about drugs, gangs, guns, murders, truancies, running away from home…
- What message would you like to give to the next generation ?
築你的夢想 (理想),策定目標,堅毅地,不怕挫折,努力去達成,讓美夢成真。
** 記得,人一生,沒有失敗的經驗,即無法獲得最後成功的果實。
Enrich your creativity, freely explore, do not set limitation, draw your own circles, and build up your dreams. Be determined and do not be afraid of setbacks, diligently pursue
the ideal.
- What your first word was ?
或許可以這麼說,初映入阿公腦海的字,不是別的,乃是“愛”。 年少 被 “ 愛” 包圍,初長成,同學 “愛” 滋潤,一路走來,哪怕在美國,日日還是“愛” 環繞。Mr. and Mrs. Mayfield 的照顧 (你媽知之詳),義父母 Mr. and Mr. A n 一家無私,愛的眷念,“愛” 讓阿公健康成長。愛與被愛好美好美!
- other info
阿公用英語 said “ We, Grandpa and Grandma have no greater joy than to hear that you walk in truth.”
孩子,堅定你的信仰,愛 Jesus,愛父母,愛人如己。
Children, strengthen your faith, love Jesus, love your parents, and love others as you would love yourself.